Category: Sustainability

We support #iktrekhetmijaan

We also turned the heating down a few degrees last week for Dikketruiendag. But because caring about the climate goes further than just putting on

A bioswale alongside our carpark

Did you know… we installed a bioswale alongside our carpark to manage the water levels in relation to the surroundings? A bioswale is a storage

The benefits of a green roof

Did you know… there is a green roof on our office building? In line with our sustainability policy, a green roof offers many benefits in

NZEB container villages at our sites

Did you know… we have ‘Nearly Zero Energy-Neutral’ or NZEB container villages at our sites? These container villages have extra insulation, double glazing and automatic

Job Satisfaction Week

This week is ‘Job Satisfaction Week’. A theme to which we attach great importance at Wyckaert. Because job satisfaction pays! In the first place, for

Safety first

As always, we held our annual Safety Day on Friday shortly before the construction industry holidays. All colleagues were immersed in an exciting array of