BEN apartments Bord’eau


Monath NV
Conix RDBM Architects - Antwerp
Execution period
Jan 2022 - May 2024
Execution cost
€ 15.500.000

About the project

As the third and final phase, the Bord’eau project concludes the works on the Scheldt Island in Oudenaarde.

The project consists of 66 BEN flats and an underground car park. There is also a multi-purpose room with a communal function.

The job includes structural work, finishing, techniques and environmental construction.

Key information

Built-up floor area 13.558 m²
Number of building floors 9
E-level building 40
Underground floor parking area 4.500 m²
Number of building floors parking underground 2
Number of parking spaces 75
Area of environmental landscaping 450 m²